Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Laser technology for treatment of various skin problems has exploded over last decade. The conditions which could not be treated without risk of scarring the past birth mark pigmented lesions can now be removed with lasers with either or no complications.
Laser is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated Emission of radiation. There are various types of lasers available for medical use. Each laser has a specific wavelengh and it is the wavelength of emitted light which distinguishes one laser from another. The wavelength in turn is determined by the substances used for generating laser, for example carbon dioxide gas in a CO₂ laser ,Errbium in Er Yag laser etc.
Laser have become increasingly complex and the variations in their wave length, pulse duration, intensity of light and other parameters are important to the laser surgeons. Different combinations of parameters available in different machines are used by laser surgeons for treating, different lesions on different skin type. Thus it is not only the machines which provides variability but the experience of laser surgeon also count for successful outcome of a laser treatment.

Laser Resurfacing
Resurfacing is a term which encompasses several different surgical techniques; laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, chemical peeling and cryotherapy. Through different modalities each of these techniques removes the superficial layer of the skin (epidermis and upper portion of the dermis), followed by its regeneration. The regenerated skin is also rejuvenated, we therefore see a reduction of sun induced wrinkles, better skin tone, and a uniformity of colour and texture. Now a days fraxnated laser technique is more often use and it has very little down time.
The technique directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin. Laser skin resurfacing removes skin very precisely, layer by layer, resulting in fewer problems with hypopigmentation (lightening of skin). This popular procedure is known by several other names, including lasarbrasion, laser peel or laser vaporization.
Prior to laser resurfacing certain topical creams are recommended for 6 Weeks. These creams prepare the skin for laser resurfacing.
Local anaesthesia is used for most of the cases however full face resurfacing especially inn younger age patients is undertaken under general anaesthesia.
It is essential to protect the treated skin from the sun with broad spectrum sunscreens, sun hats and sunglasses. If this is not done hyper pigmentation is likely to occur and the skin will become a mottled brown colour.
Normal and social activities and work may be resumed once scabs have fallen off (in 10 to 14 days), even though the skin is still quite red. The redness may last for 3 to 6 months.
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